Thursday, February 2, 2012

Vedic Management - 5 Steps to Holistic Success(Part 1)

Vedic wisdom is so profound that every single piece of information could be interpreted in any context. Upanishads are the easier forms of the traditional Vedic wisdom. They are an excellent piece of Vedic style of management theories. All you need to do is to interpret the information in the most relevant context and practice it in accordance with modern implications.
This article tries to produce an insight in the Vedic understanding of Human body in reference to the Modern principles of Organizational Management. Chandagyo Upanishad considers five essential elements that are needed for spiritual upliftment of the mankind. This reference of understanding humanity, when replaced with an Organizational structure, becomes an essential tool to construct a successful, holistically progressive, and meaningful corporate company.
While explaining spiritual upliftment of the mankind, Chandagyo Upanishad quotes the references given below. We are trying to replace ‘the humanity’ with ‘an organizational structure’ considering that every organization has a meaningful purpose. Sometimes, in the competitive environment the organizations fail to remember their roots. Idea of holistic development may seem to be new, but, none the less it is quite relevant. We need to construct sustainable ventures because an organization is not meant only for the prosperity of the owner/top management.
There are many other vital factors associated in a company which makes an organization in totality. Herewith, follows the fivefold methodology of holistically sustainable Vedic Management.
Rule 1
यो ह वै ज्येष्ठम च श्रेष्ठम च वेद ज्येष्ठश्च ह वै श्रेष्ठश्च भवति
The one who can categorize the true elder and the superlative becomes the elder and the superior amongst the race. Upanishad says, “The Prana (force of the life) is the best and the leader.”
Resources are the Prana of your organization
For any organization, from establishment to the successful running most essential requirement is its resources. At the time of conceptualizing any project, the vital link is resources. And it becomes again relevant when the operations take off. Resources could be divided in two categories:
  • Financial resources
  • Human resources
Vedic understanding says that any organization should pay the utmost regards to these two vital links. The one who can figure out the eldest and the best becomes the leader and superlative in its race.
Your investor is the elder
 For a successful company, it is essential to remember its investors at every stage. Without a strong back hold, no matter how large any company becomes, it couldn’t have survived a single breath. Lions always make sure to observe the distance they had traveled.
Your human resource is the best
According to an old saying, “The weapon is not important, the man behind the weapon is the one who matters.” For the successful running of a company, human resource is indispensable. Every single worker of the organization is unique and equally important. Company should enhance the feeling of ownership and make its employees a part of its success.
Veda says, “The one who concentrates on its Prana, fulfills his all desires.”
Rule 2
यो ह वै वसिष्ठम वेद वसिष्ठो ह स्वानाम भवति
The one who can make out Vasishtha (the survivor/the wealthier/the propagator) becomes Vasishtha (the survivor/richest/acknowledged) in its race. Upanishad says, “The Vaka (speech) is survivor/richest/acknowledged.
Communication is Vasishtha of your organization
Communication plays an integral part in the success of an individual or an organization. As per the Vedic understanding, one should pay utmost attention to communication. The one who seeks victory should worship his speech. From an organizational point of view, communication could be further divided in following types,
  • Oral communication
  • Written communication
  • Broadcasting & blogging
  • Internal communication
  • Any other way that establishes connection between the customer and service provider
Communication should be fundamentally correct, prompt, thoughtful, and wise. Meaning of worshiping speech is, “One should communicate humbly.” Sometimes a humble ‘NO’ works well instead of a forced ‘YES’. And it is absolutely OK to delay the answer if you are not very sure of the action or requirement. We have seen many organizations in a dilemma due to undue haste in making statements and later repent.
Any word that you utter is heard, consciously or unconsciously. And a good oration/drafting/expression establishes an individual comprehensively in the society. So it does to an organization as well.
Veda says, “The one who masters the speech becomes the acknowledged, famous, and richest.”

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