Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ayurveda Panchakarma – deep cleansing

Little knowledge always becomes a dangerous thing, and in the era of growing industrialization ethics of trade are missing from the society. Ayurveda – a safest science as it is understood is meant for the well being of society and use of the same must not be done to make fat cash by corporate at the cost of client’s health. At the same time an individual also must not fall prey to the monkey race. This article is meant to clarify few prevailing doubts in the society and in view of opening eyes if yet they are closed.

The word panchakarma is made up of two words Pancha + Karma. Pancha means 5 and karma is stated as action. An action for the physician is treatment, so karma refers here to the treatment. If two words are collaborated to each other it says that five treatments (Penta – bio - purificatory methods of deep cleansing). Human body is governed by three biological forces which are called as Vata, Pitta and Kapha; kinetic force, thermodynamics and cohesion force respectively. As long as they remain in balance they sustain the body, but imbalance or vitiation of them leads to the process of disease. In order to remain fit they must be kept under controlled. But as per the various changes around us in terms of food, environment etc. has a direct impact on these doshas. Whenever they increase beyond their prescribed limits to create a disease, removal of the same becomes mandatory in order to reinstate the health. And that is where utility of panchakarma comes in to the play. For the ease of your understanding following are called as panchakarma:

Kapha - after vaman

Vamana – induced vomiting.

In this procedure kapha is the target dosha and medicines are induced to enforce vomiting in order to remove sticky kapha through oral route.

Virechana – induced purgation/ loose stool.

Procedure includes induction of medicines that undergo the process of digestion in order to enforce the pitta dosha to come out of the body through anal route in form of loose stool.

Basti – enema.

Various formulations of medicines in decoction or oil form are administered in to the colon through rectal route with the help of instruments specifically meant for this procedure in order to remove increased vata.

Nasya – nasal medications.

Various different forms of medicines are inserted into the nostrils in order to remove the vata, pitta and kapha of the head. Head has been considered as the prime organ of the body and so framed the special treatment for the removal of doshas from this site. Depending upon the aggravated dosha form of medicine is selected by Ayurvedic physician.

Rakta mokshana – blood letting.

Procedure, in which blood is removed from the body by various methodologies called as Rakta mokshana. Leech application or vein puncture are the most common procedures for the same. It is specifically done in view of Rakta dushti (blood vitiation).

So next time when you visit your doctor for panchakarma, keep your self updated with this knowledge.





Ayurveda – a refined approach

Learning is an endless process. Once we complete the prescribed norms of academic standards, it must not be considered as an accomplishment. It’s a beginning in fact. Since the time immemorial, lust to succeed prevailed. Questioning the abilities of other’s and scrutinize them at every step is the nature of human being, which lead the mass towards destruction and produced nothing good. Everything that exists in this world is useful and credibility of same can not be downgraded at any cost. All the sciences are equally important and jeopardy must not be created against it. Ayurveda brings solace. It is a multi utility science. It just not confines itself explaining diseases and their treatments but goes beyond the level of academic interests and instills moral values in the life of an individual. It’s a tool which should be learnt by everyone to lead a healthy life. In fact the greatest aim of this science “ swasthasya swastha rakshanam – to maintain the health of a healthy being” , can be achieved only if we start teaching Ayurveda to our coming generations right from the beginning itself. Because, the word Ayurveda it self means – knowledge of the life; and that is what we want to share with our children, isn’t it?

Ayurveda is a data based knowledge. It’s a heritage, and sum total of experiences of our ancestors. It’s an out come of all the pain that they underwent during the process of development, it’s a message to the coming generations that they wanted to convey - we suffered and we want that you must not, so we are intent to carve it down on the pages of history for your ease. Unfortunately it did not reach to the mass or thanks to our we don’t want to learn approach.

How to maintain health? For the ease following steps have been explained in the classical texts:

Dina Charya – regimens to be followed on daily basis.

Ratri charya – regimens to be followed on night basis.

Ritu Charya – regimens to be followed on seasonal basis.

Actually if we observe scientifically, physical health can be maintained by above measures. But another leaf has been added in order to help people to be in the best state of their health, and that is “Sadavritta – code of conduct”. It’s all about reinstating the moral values which are an important tool for over all development of life. Its way to represent ourselves in to the society. It’s a yardstick to measure our behavior.

If one follows the advices given in the ancient texts, we can sure see the change. We can create a flawless society. We must change ourselves, and we must not bank upon some good deeds of past, but every day there must be a good deed indeed.

Everyone should learn Ayurveda, not to become a doctor; but to be a human being. It connects you to yourself; it reminds you not to be cynical but to be a part of the success story.

Ayurveda is way ahead of diseases, their diagnosis and treatment. In fact it stresses to be fit. It’s a refined approach towards the life.   


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