Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obesity – a problem of plenty

Obesity, that has a problem of plenty is growing rapidly across the globe. It is a condition where body weight increases to an excess where it may affect general body health condition. Ayurveda has enlisted this disease in those which are treated with difficulty. Medoroga as named in Ayurveda, not only creates a social stigma but also increases the likelihood of various ailments like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis etc.


Calculating your Body Mass Index(BMI) can help you to define your health condition by comparing your height and weight. BMI is just an estimation and does not represent a clear idea about your total fat percentage. But definitely it helps to get an idea when the bell rings. BMI can be calculated with the help of simple formula:-

BMI = weight [in kilos] divided by height [in meters] X height [in meters]


Body Mass Index weight categories and conclusion


BMI rating

Weight assessment

Under 20 (men)

Under 19 (women)



20 – 24.9

Normal weight

25 – 29.9


30 & above


Management of weight is a more psychological game play than just following a regular routine. Causes of obesity are more attributed towards a sedentary life style and in certain cases due to a long standing illness for which patient had been treated with specific drugs. Family history, bad food habits, and genetic factors can not be ruled out too. But more often it has been seen that in the beginning patient does not take his/ her weight seriously and once the vicious circle of fat manufacturing starts in your body, it becomes difficult to reverse the changes.

Before going for weight reduction mental make up and a strong belief is utmost necessary. Crash diet course should be avoided strictly, they may result in sudden weight reduction but regaining of it also occurs at the same pace. It is advisable to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) before deciding your diet. It is the minimum caloric requirement needed to sustain life in a resting individual. One can calculate his/ her BMR with the help of following formula:

For Women

BMR = 655 + (9.6 X weight in kilos) + (1.8 X height in centimetres) – (4.7 X age in years)

For Men

BMR = 655 + (13.7 X weight in kilos) + (5 X height in centimetres) – (6.8 X age in years)

Based on above calculation, one can calculate his/ her approximate daily calorie need.

  • Sedentary life style/ little or no exercise, calorie requirement = BMR X 1.2
  • Lightly active individual(mild exercise 1- 3 days/ week), calorie requirement = BMR X 1.375
  • Moderately active individual (moderate exercise 3 – 5 days/ week), calorie requirement = BMR X 1. 55
  • Very active individual (hard exercise 5 – 7 days/ week), calorie requirement = BMR X 1. 725

Depending upon your BMR one calculate the daily need of their required calories and accordingly fix their dietary needs. Though, one must understand that it is not absolute food that have been your enemy thus far but a proper check on daily schedule is also equally responsible for such a high rate of obesity. Late night parties and excessive consumption of alcohol with smoking are other factors also contributing to the urban obesity. It has been reported that number of obese patient are increasing at an alarming speed in urban livelihood. generation next life style and sedentary habits from the childhood are also adding on to the childhood obesity. Kids are more interested in computer games and lack of interest in games involving physical exertion leading to the disastrous health hazards. It is indeed very important to keep a close check on your weight at the time when it hits that important mark where daily wears stop fitting your body. And it is always better to stay fit rather than running from one store to another to find your size.

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